Late Night Openings

Every weekend during 2024, Mother's Day and every Thursday during December

Following the successful trial of evening openings in the Central Market we will now be open every Friday and Saturday for the rest of the year! In addition, you can also dine out in the evening on Mother’s Day whilst December sees the addition of Thursday evenings also.

This is a milestone moment for the Market and we hope you take the opportunity to visit either Casa Paco, La Bouche or Star Noodles who all offer amazing food. We do hope other businesses will also want to open in the evening now that this has become a permanent fixture.

We do recommend you book as both venues do get very busy, however, if there is capacity all will be accepting walk in’s.

Sam’s Café and Bistro Rosa in the Fish Market are regularly open in the evenings so please head to their link for details of the times and days.